
Reading independently - age 11/12

Socratic discussion, adaptive core subjects, peer-to-peer editing, student-led-government, student-driven missions.

“Society thrives on the diverse talents of its people.” - William Stixrud

At Phoenix Academy your child will learn their strengths and how they can impact the world for good.

Proposed Schedules

Tuesday & Wednesday:

9:00 Optional free play outside

9:30 Start of day, Launch/Socratic Discussion

10:00 Core skills time

11:30 Writing

12:00 Reflect on work if needed and clean up

12:15 Lunch and clean up

12:45 Free time - no tech

1:15 Mission Time/Group Work

3:00 Clean up

3:15 Closing group (Socratic discussion going over the day)

3:30 Dismiss


9:00 Optional free play outside

9:30 Start of day, Launch/Socratic Discussion

10:00 Core skills time

11:30 Writing

12:00 Reflect on work if needed and clean up

11:45 Lunch

12:15 Lunch clean up

12:30 Free time - no tech

1:00 Extra class (art, photo, sewing, shop, etc…) + Group Reflection/Planning

2:00-3:00 Project/reflection & planning/team building/free time

3:00 Clean up

3:15 Closing group (Socratic discussion going over the day)

3:30 Dismiss

*For an extra fee Monday is an optional high adventure day in Nature. See more Information here.

Socratic Discussions

Daily Socratic discussions will allow the students to develop critical thinking skills, as well as respectful discussion/debate with peers.

Core Subjects

Math, reading, typing, and language, etc. These curriculums will all be picked by parents. These need to be adaptive online programs that can allow the child to work at their own pace

Nature Play

Students will have the option to come to school “early” for outside play, as well as have access to the schoolyard throughout the day.


Multiple writing prompts to choose from, covering topics such as science and history, peer review and editing, present completed works to peers.


Students will be expected to work together either as whole or break into groups to work on the mission.  With team building, socratic discussions and gentle prompting from their guides they will create an exhibit of some sort that will be displayed for public viewing on the last Friday of each session.

Student Government

Together the students will debate and agree upon rules that will govern the school, then they will hold each other accountable.


Early Learners


Middle School