Adaptive Core Subjects

At Phoenix Academy, we recognize that each student is at a unique place in their academic journey. Since each student will learn at his/her own pace, we want to utilize technologies that will meet them where they are, and continue to do so as they progress. We will utilize adaptive core subjects to help provide each student with a personalized education. 

The studies that have been conducted with this type of learning are astounding! Kids can jump several grade levels in math or reading comprehension within one school year. With the programs being adaptive, students do not have to wait on others in a class to grasp a concept before moving on. Or if they need more time to fully understand the idea, they can take the time needed and continue further when ready. This personalized approach is possible for us because of the amazing technologies at our fingertips. 

As the parents, you get to choose which of these programs you would like your student to work with. You will also have the opportunity to set goals with your student about what types of learning he or she will accomplish in a given week or session. During core skills time, it will be the responsibility of each student to make sure he or she is on task. There will also be the flexibility to get up and move around if needed, take a snack break, or just get some fresh air to clear their head. However, other students will be working during this time as well, so there will be a clear expectation that they are not allowed to disrupt others. This will help our students learn to be courteous and responsible as well as self motivated and driven to accomplish tasks with others. What great skills with real world application!

Below is a list of optional adaptive programs, this is not a comprehensive list, but just to give you some ideas to get started: