Early Learners

Age 4 - Independent Reader

Hands-on learning - Free play - Nature time - Peer to peer development

“We sacrifice their childhood on the altar of preparing them for adulthood.
But what if childhood was the preparation?
What if having a whole childhood was the key to a healthy adulthood?” - Ainsley Arment

Proposed Daily Routines

Tuesday - Thursday

9:00 Optional outside free play

9:30 Start of day (Story time and discussion)

10:15 Core skills - can be play based

11:00 Free play

11:30 Clean up

11:45 Lunch/clean up

12:30 Free time

1:00 Planned activity/outside time

3:00 Clean up and snack

3:15 Closing discussion

3:30 End of day

*For an extra fee Monday is an optional high adventure day in Nature. See more Information here.

Core Skills Time

Math and literacy activities/games. These will be a combination of online resources such as Khan Academy kids, as well as hands on games, worksheets, etc.

Free Play

Hands on, play-based learning using various open-ended materials. i.e. puzzles, legos, blocks, magnet tiles, drawing, etc…

Planned Activity/Nature time

Hand craft, skill, art class and or OUTSIDE time. i.e. Walk to park, play in backyard, obstacle courses, mud kitchen, etc…

