Group Projects/Missions

Group projects/Missions are a big part of our educational process. Students will work together during each sessions to complete a Mission. These missions will incorporate a wide variety of topics and skills. Science, Theater, Geography, Music, Art, History, etc… Each session will have a theme, and the students will work together, and on individual projects to create an exhibit that will be open for public display at the end of the session. For example if the theme for the Session was Theater, the kids would work together to put on a play. Through prompts from their guides they would be responsible for writing the play, creating staging and costumes, picking a director, writers, actors, etc.. rehearsing the play, finding a location for the play, advertising for the play, figuring out what to charge for tickets etc… The students will be guided along the way, but ultimately it will be their decisions and work that determine if the projects succeeds or fails. They will be allowed to fail if they are unable to complete projects, because we learn so much from failure, and it is better for fail when it doesn’t cost as much in the long term. Through these themes the kids will not only learn valuable knowledge, but also real life skills, such as budgeting, working well with others, how to disagree appropriately, time management, how to work hard and get things done, and so much more.